Our Curriculmn and Atttention to Detail and Care Set Us Apart!
We follow the Empowered Badass Breeder Curriculmn. Created by Jeanette Forrey
After weights and ribbon changes the puppies complete their daily curriculum!
ESI- Early scent introduction. The scent today was parsley. Some of the benefits of this are nose awareness and confidence, making a well-rounded puppy!
ENS- Early neurological stimulation. This has so many benefits including improved cardiovascular performance, stronger heartbeat, and a greater tolerance to stress and resistance to disease.

The ESI in this picture is allspice! Happy Fall Puppies!
Days 3-16
Handling exercises continue.
Week 3
Handling exercises continue. Puppies move from their nursery to the main part of our home for daytime interaction, novelty item introductions, and curriculm work. Here they interact with the members of the household and all of the noises and smells that come with a home! At night they are returned to their quiet and calm environment to sleep.